Beach Middle School Leaders Raise Funds for SLC

Beach MS kids w-checkChelsea, MI –  A unique project took place this fall at Beach Middle School in Chelsea, as the Student Leadership Class successfully raised funds to support a new barrier free playground for St. Louis Center. The final amount was revealed to the Middle School students on Tuesday November 20, 2012, where they presented a “mock check” to Public Relations Director Joseph Yekulis of SLC. Teacher Kathryn McCalla began working with the class at the beginning of the year to assist them in identifying a charity they’d like to work for, and they all agreed to support SLC. On September 21st, the Leadership Class did a presentation to the student body to teach their peers about SLC and to ask them for their support. The students held a car wash, a Middle School Dance, and a Rock-A-Thon, and raised $1713. 90. They were proud to give back to their community.